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ATECH MSP has been serving the Bakersfield area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Is Wi-Fi Fast Enough to Support Your Business?

Is Wi-Fi Fast Enough to Support Your Business?

It hasn’t been too long since connectivity required an actual physical connection between the connecting endpoints, making a wired connection the de-facto option for businesses. However, now that wireless connectivity is so widely available, businesses now have a choice… but which is the better option? Let’s compare some of the pros of each to make the answer a little clearer.

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Implementing IoT? 3 Questions You Should Ask

Implementing IoT? 3 Questions You Should Ask

With the Internet of Things taking the world by storm, it’s no surprise that many businesses are attempting to leverage it to their advantage. However, implementing these devices into your operations comes with its fair share of risks and challenges. Let’s discuss some of the ways you should consider implementing the Internet of Things for your business, as well as what you must consider when building your IoT strategy.

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The CRM is the Consummate Business Management Tool

The CRM is the Consummate Business Management Tool

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is an especially useful solution for any business to utilize, as long as they do so with a strategy in mind. Let’s go over why this strategy is so important, and how it should be shaped.

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U.S. Lawmakers Need to Consider Overarching Data Privacy Law

U.S. Lawmakers Need to Consider Overarching Data Privacy Law

For much of the past decade, data privacy has been a big issue. Ever since information was unveiled on how major tech companies (and other companies) use the information gleaned from their users, there has been a cross-section of people who have started to fight back against it. Unfortunately for Americans, this hasn’t resulted in an overarching data privacy law that protects people and their personal data. This month, we’ll take a look at the data privacy environment and discuss why there haven’t been any moves by U.S. lawmakers to protect data privacy.

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Sheer Breadth of Services Makes VoIP a Strong Communications Option

Sheer Breadth of Services Makes VoIP a Strong Communications Option

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is one service that just about any business can use to their advantage. It’s a fact that the traditional telephone systems used by companies for years have not aged particularly well, and VoIP offers them an alternative solution that is both dynamic and more flexible. Let’s dig into some of the benefits your company can find from a well-timed and well-planned switch to a VoIP solution.

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Is Productivity Slowing Due to Employee Social Media Use?

Is Productivity Slowing Due to Employee Social Media Use?

Businesses have always attempted to optimize productivity for their employees in a variety of ways, but there are certain distractions that will always persist–especially in today’s incredibly connected world. One of these distractions is social media, and it creates the illusion of productivity when, in reality, it’s really not helping much.

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Strategic Tips for Creating Secure Passwords

Strategic Tips for Creating Secure Passwords

When we tell you that it’s a best practice to implement complex passwords for your business, do you know what exactly a complex password is? The truth of the matter is that secure passwords are a little confusing, and the standards continue to shift back and forth. Let’s examine some of the industry-standard best practices for implementing secure passwords and how your organization can go about doing so.

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Technology that Can Have You Cooking Up Collaboration

Technology that Can Have You Cooking Up Collaboration

Of any operational strategy, collaboration is both the simplest to set up and the most difficult to master. The organizations that do, stand to benefit greatly from the massive amount of efficiency that is created, and the productivity that results from it. The organizations that struggle with it,won’t be as efficient and that typically means costs will rise. Let’s take a look at some of the ways businesses can work toward collaborative mastery.

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Outsourcing is a Great Way to Stabilize Costs

Outsourcing is a Great Way to Stabilize Costs

Companies hire many talented individuals for many different types of positions, but one way that some organizations choose to amplify their operations is through proper outsourcing. This practice can be invaluable for businesses that want to take things up a notch and adjust the way they operate for the better.

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The Right Strategies Can Transform Your Operations

The Right Strategies Can Transform Your Operations

These days it can seem like the gap between small business and large enterprise is so massive that it is impossible to close, but the truth is the exact opposite. Through the smart application of business technology, you might be surprised by how much you can improve your operations and stand out from the crowd. It all boils down to tracking your business for analytics, ensuring that you provide an excellent service or experience to your customers, and implementing the right technology solutions.

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Managed IT Technicians are Reliable Repairmen

Managed IT Technicians are Reliable Repairmen

In today’s business world that is so reliant on technology, there are few issues more disruptive than a computer that is not working properly. When your computer stops working and you have no clue what to do next, who is first on your calling list for assistance? Do you have someone on-hand who can resolve your technology problems?

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Crafting Successful Remote Work Policies

Crafting Successful Remote Work Policies

Considering the circumstances of the past couple years, it’s no surprise that many businesses have turned their attention towards creating a long-term plan for a remote workforce. There are many considerations that must be brought front and center to create such a remote work policy, many of which require a focused examination of technology and the practices associated with it. Let’s take a closer look at what you might want to think about when crafting your remote work policies.

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Think Businesses are Only Hit Once by Cybercrime? Think Again

Think Businesses are Only Hit Once by Cybercrime? Think Again

Let’s begin with a cold, hard fact—if a business has been targeted by cybercrime from an outside source, there is a 68 percent chance that another attempt to access their network will come within one year. This statistic comes from Crowdstrike, a cybersecurity solutions provider. Despite this reality, there seems to be a perception that there’s some unwritten rule somewhere that a company can only be attacked once. 

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Strategies Anyone Can Use to Maintain High Levels of Productivity

Strategies Anyone Can Use to Maintain High Levels of Productivity

Productivity improves as time management improves. It seems like a simple notion, but if you aren’t deliberate about managing your time, there isn’t much positive movement that is going to be had in the productivity meter. This month, we thought we would help you by giving you a few strategies that will work to improve your employees’ productivity. 

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Disaster Recovery Considerations

Disaster Recovery Considerations

The Novel Coronavirus has made its way around the world and it has certainly changed the way a lot of businesses do things. Some businesses have put in some type of disaster recovery platform. This is basically a plan for returning to continuity after some type of disaster, but we are seeing that many business continuity plans were not broad enough to take on a worldwide pandemic. Sadly, many of these businesses won’t open again.

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Build a Business People Want to Work For

Build a Business People Want to Work For

Running a business is hard. There are a million-and-six things that have to be done each day just to keep the doors open. For this reason, it is crucial that a business’ employees want to be there. In today’s competitive marketplace, there simply isn’t time to waste on workers that don’t pull their weight. So, how do you get them to want to be there? This month, we will take a look at that very issue. 

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Videoconferencing Is Going to Be a Core Business Tool From Now On

Videoconferencing Is Going to Be a Core Business Tool From Now On

Businesses spent a lot of time and money in 2020 adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic. One could argue that many of them didn’t have a plan until it was to the point where either they made one, or their business collapsed. Some collapsed anyway. It has been a difficult year with businesses that have made it through doing the right things and using a set of new tools that allowed their operations to remain effective. Many of these tools will be phased out when the time comes, but one is absolutely here to stay: video conferencing.

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Using Penetration Testing Can Help Avoid Headaches and Might be Required

Using Penetration Testing Can Help Avoid Headaches and Might be Required

Your business’ network is so important that if something were to infiltrate it that doesn’t belong there, it could wreak havoc on your whole company. One way that businesses can get their cybersecurity to a reliable place is through what is called penetration testing. This month, we thought we would briefly describe what exactly penetration testing is and how it can help your business. 

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Useful IT Services that Will Work for Your Business

Useful IT Services that Will Work for Your Business

Managed Services provide endless benefits to any business, no matter the size. Having a “Fix it when it breaks” attitude is an unrealistic way to run your business in an era that is so heavily technology-dependent. Today we dive into the many reasons a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can maximize your investment. 

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Mobility Is Useful, But It Has Some Definite Risks for SMBs

Mobility Is Useful, But It Has Some Definite Risks for SMBs

More businesses rely on their mobile strategies than ever before. For the most part, this uptick in mobility has helped sustain some business at a time when many would be expected to fail, but relying more on mobile definitely comes with some risks. This month we thought we would take a long look at mobility and how it can be a risky proposition for the modern small business.

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